· While the best internet speed for gaming depends on the console you're using, most video game console manufacturers recommend at least 3 Mbps of download speed, and Mbps to 1 Mbps of upload speed as “good internet speed”. The minimum internet connection speed for gaming: Download speed: 3 Mbps. Upload speed: topfind247.coted Reading Time: 7 mins. · Best answer: You can get away with some really slow internet speeds on the Ps4, around 3 Mbps for download and an upload speed of 1Mbps, but it's Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins. Search within r/PS4. r/PS4. Log In Sign Up. User account menu. Found the internet! How good of a download speed and upload speed do I need for share play? Close. Posted by. 7 years ago. As someone with a 4MB download speed on a good day, this post is incredibly disheartening. 5. Share.
If the download or upload speeds are way below your subscribed speeds, get help from your ISP. Random router or PS4 bug. Electronic devices like your PS4 or network devices like routers can. Answer (1 of 6): Though the question is quite vague I am going to assume you are talking about the max speed that the PS4 can network at. The PS4 has a fairly good network card in it. It supports the protocol for a full gigabit connection allowing up to Mbps and allows the full speed potenti. Want to know how to improve your PS4 internet speed for faster connection and fix the slow downloads and lag? Then you need to immediately change this settin.
Best answer: You can get away with some really slow internet speeds on the Ps4, around 3 Mbps for download and an upload speed of 1Mbps, but it's the ping you need to watch out for. Keep it below. PS4 Pro: Wifi download Mbps upload Mbps LAN download Mbps upload Mbps PS4 Wifi download Mbps upload Mbps LAN download Mbps upload Mbps On a 2gbit down 1gbit up line, speeds likely not accurate though as my NAS is syncing with works server atm. While the best internet speed for gaming depends on the console you're using, most video game console manufacturers recommend at least 3 Mbps of download speed, and Mbps to 1 Mbps of upload speed as “good internet speed”. The minimum internet connection speed for gaming: Download speed: 3 Mbps. Upload speed: Mbps.