This tool allows you to generate CSV files which you can import into your radio’s programming software. The database used imports its data from the website at hrs local time every morning – the database was last updated at GMT on 17 th November [30 th July ] New Feature! You can now add an optional extra column to your CSV with the distance (in miles. Anytone Codeplugs. Anytone DUV__New England_Dec Type: rdt Size: KB. Download. Anytone DUV Dual Band Mobile Jan. Type: rdt Size: MB. Download. AnyTone_DUV__NE_Generic_ Type: rdt Size: MB. Programming the radio Programming the radio involves connecting the cable, downloading the data in the radio and then uploading your new data to the radio. A step that did not make sense to me when I began using these programs was the need to download from the radio first. I don't know why this is required, but it is.
Download at your own risk. BridgeCom Systems is NOT responsible for potential consequences of installing and using other's codeplugs; BridgeCom is simply acting as a central and accessible storage unit of these user-generated codeplugs The following is a valuable resource that Ham Radio user's should utilize, contribute to and share with other. Icom IC USB for Radio Control + FSK Keying. There's one thing that was annoying me about the new IC, and that was that the USB connection to the computer did it all: radio control, soundcard codec, PTT/CW. That's great, and . This is a great article for folks who want to do RTTY with an IC transceiver. New England: Export the database in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. This is useful for importing to radio programming software or offline viewing. This file is exported from the master database nightly and matches the data on this site.
Free Windows Amateur Radio logging program written by Bob Furzer, K4CY the author of Zakanaka. Logger32 runs under all Windows versions. Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators. The downloadable file we provide here can be opened in Chirp, and modified if necessary to add some of your own frequency channels. Then use a USB-to-Radio cable to load the file into your HT. DOWNLOAD HT VHF UHF CSV FILE WITH HAM-FRS-PMR-GMRS-MURS-MARINE-WEATHER-BUSINESS CHANNELS. Programming radio software category is a curation of 66 web resources on, Yaesu FT FT FT EEPROM analyzer, Mac Memory Manager, FTBVR5K. Resources listed under Radio programming software category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators.